1. Gluten-free Peppermint Chocolate Cookies

Relax and get cozy with these chocolate cookies filled with peppermint, which can act as a muscle relaxant to reduce headaches and improve sleep. A group of researchers also found that peppermint may help increase focus and memory recall.
2. Gluten-free Gingerbread Molasses Cookies

These soft and chewy gingerbread cookies are made with blackstrap molasses, which contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium. Compare this with other sugars or sugar substitutes that have little to no nutritional value. Researchers also think molasses can help to boost bone health, lower blood pressure (thanks to its lower glycemic index), and protect the brain from aging.
3. Gluten-free Sugar Plums

You can get the kids involved in the cookie-making process with these easy, no-bake Christmas cookies. Let them pick their favorite nuts – studies have found that they can lower cholesterol, reduce blood clotting, and more. Walnuts in particular may improve memory and cognition, as well as reduce the risk of brain-based disorders like Alzheimer’s, depression, and Parkinson’s.
4. Peppermint Chocolate Truffles

Knowing the benefits of the cocoa powder and chocolate will help ease your conscience when you steal an extra bite or two of these truffles on Christmas. Preliminary research shows that the antioxidants in chocolate can help protect your brain against aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and strokes. In addition, these truffles also include the relaxing benefit of peppermint.
5. Gluten-Free Cinnamon Sugar Snickerdoodle Cookies

Adding a dash of cinnamon enhances both the festive flavors and health benefits of these sugar cookies. With its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, cinnamon can help reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other infections.