Dealing with sleep problems can be frustrating, especially if it affects your mood and ability to think clearly during the day. You may have felt overwhelmed by all of the options on the internet and wondered, “What’s the best sleep aid for me?”
The answer is: It depends. The best sleep aid depends on many factors, including the type of sleep issue we are facing, our age, and our unique biochemistry.
In this article, we’ll review the six sleep supplements that appear to be the most effective based on scientific research and my clinical experience as an integrative psychiatrist. For each, we will discuss the evidence, who might benefit the most, and any side-effects:
- Magnesium
- Glycine
- L-theanine
- Melatonin
- Valerian root
- Passionflower
How To Sleep Better at Night Naturally:
In order to find the right solution for your sleep issues, it’s important to ask questions like:
Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you tend to wake up in a sweat? Do you travel and get jet lag frequently? Do you wake up feeling tired even though you got 7-8 hours of sleep?
These sleep supplements can be an alternative to prescription medications and address sleep issues in different ways:

Natural Sleep Aids to Help You Stay Asleep & Improve Sleep Quality
Magnesium Supplements for Sleep: Which Magnesium is Best for Sleep?
Even though melatonin is the most popular sleep supplement, we’re starting our list with magnesium because it’s an essential mineral that is fundamental for a good night’s sleep and overall brain health.
How does magnesium help with sleep? In my 15 years of clinical experience, I have found magnesium to be one of the more helpful supplements for sleep. Insomnia is a common sign of magnesium deficiency. As nearly half of the American population is deficient in magnesium, it’s a good starting point for most people.
In one study, magnesium supplementation improved sleep in older adults and increased melatonin production. However, not all studies on magnesium have found that it helped with sleep. In part, this could be due to some studies using too low a dose of magnesium or forms that are not well absorbed and bioavailable. We still need better-designed and larger studies to fully understand the link between magnesium and sleep.
What are the side-effects of taking magnesium? Magnesium is generally very safe, and serious side effects and toxicity are both rare. The most common side effect is loose stool or diarrhea. Patients with impaired kidney function are at higher risk for adverse effects and should consult with a doctor before starting any supplements.
The Takeaway: Magnesium is foundational for good sleep and many essential functions in the brain and body. It can take some time for our bodies to build to sufficient levels, so it’s best suited for those with persistent or chronic sleep issues.
Magnesium glycinate, or magnesium bound to glycine, is one of the better forms for sleep as it is well absorbed and has glycine’s added benefits (described below). Most studies administer 320mg per day, but those with more serious sleep issues may benefit from higher doses. We like Kirkman’s Magnesium-Bisglycinate Chelate capsules.
What is glycine? How does glycine help with sleep? Glycine is an amino acid with important brain functions. One of glycine’s roles is to help regulate our core body temperature during sleep, which allows us to reach and stay in deeper, more restful sleep.
Studies found that glycine administered at night helped improve sleep quality and energy levels the following day. Though it doesn’t appear to help people fall asleep more quickly, it doesn’t lead to daytime grogginess either.
What are the side-effects of taking glycine? Since our bodies make glycine in large amounts and consume it regularly through food, it’s no surprise that there were no serious adverse effects observed during any of the studies.
The Takeaway: Glycine appears to be especially helpful for those who feel like they can’t sleep deeply or get good sleep quality. As it helps regulate our body temperature during sleep, it may also help with hot sleepers (i.e. women experiencing hot flashes). At the doses used in sleep studies, glycine does not appear to have any side-effects, including grogginess the next day.
Most studies have administered 3g at bedtime. Vital Nutrients carries a powder form.
What is L-Theanine? How does L-Theanine help with sleep? L-theanine is an amino acid primarily found in green tea. It can induce a zen-like state and has been found to help people manage stress and anxiety during the day and get better sleep quality at night. L-theanine has also been found to be safe and effective for improving sleep in children with ADHD.
What are the side-effects of taking L-theanine? There have been no adverse effects observed in studies.
The Takeaway: L-theanine appears to have calming, anti-anxiety effects and other cognitive benefits without any sedation. Studies typically administered 200mg once or twice a day. For those with anxiety, twice a day dosing may be better.
Many of the studies have used the patented form known as Suntheanine, which can be found at Integrative Therapeutics.
Natural Sleep Aids to Help You Fall Asleep Fast
What is melatonin? How does melatonin help with sleep? Melatonin is a hormone released by the brain. Under dim light conditions, it sends biochemical signals to get us ready for sleep. Melatonin supplements help people fall asleep faster and appear to be especially effective for certain groups, including:
- Those with circadian rhythm issues (e.g. overnight shift workers or people with jetlag)
- Older adults, as melatonin levels tend to decline with age
- Certain neurocognitive conditions that are associated with melatonin deficiency (e.g. autism, mood disorders, etc.)
What are the side-effects of melatonin? The most common side effects are daytime sleepiness, grogginess, dizziness, and headaches.
What you should know: Melatonin seems to help people fall asleep quickly, especially if they have jet lag, certain neuropsychiatric conditions, or are older. Most melatonin supplements use immediate-release formulas, which means it gives a burst of melatonin in a short period of time. Sustained-release formulas, like Allergy Research Group, provide melatonin throughout the night and may help people not only fall asleep faster, but also stay asleep.
Studies generally used between 0.3 – 5mg per day. Most doctors recommend starting at the lowest effective dose and building up to a higher dose if needed.
What is valerian root? How does valerian root help with sleep? Valerian is an herb native to Europe and Asia. The roots of the plant have a long history of use for insomnia and anxiety. A review of the research found that valerian root may help people fall asleep faster and get better sleep quality, though larger, better-designed studies are still needed to understand its role in sleep.
What are the side-effects of taking valerian root? The most common side-effect is sleepiness or grogginess, which can often be managed by reducing the dose. Other side-effects may include occasional loose stool and dry mouth. Drug interactions can occur, especially with sedating medications.
The Takeaway: Valerian root seems to be one of the more effective herbs for those who have trouble falling asleep and need more immediate relief for insomnia. However, larger and better-designed studies are still needed to understand its role in sleep.
Because it is more sedating than the other supplements on this list, it can also be associated with more daytime grogginess, so it may take some tweaking to find the right dose.
During most studies, valerian root was prescribed at 400 – 900mg at bedtime for sleep problems. Herb Pharm and Gaia Herbs offer organic liquid tinctures of valerian root.
What is passionflower? How does passionflower help with sleep? Passionflower is an herb native to North and South America. An official health agency of the European Union has concluded that passionflower can help with anxiety and sleep issues based on its long-standing use as a gentle sedative. Clinical trials have been limited but positive; one study found that passionflower tea improved sleep in healthy adults.
What are the side-effects of passionflower? Passionflower is generally well tolerated and may have mild side-effects, including drowsiness, dizziness and confusion.
The Takeaway: Passionflower is a more gentle herb with less sedating effects than Valerian root. It may be good for those who need help falling asleep but are concerned about daytime grogginess. Passionflower has been used at 400mg twice a day for anxiety in some studies. However, the best dosage for sleep has not been studied. Both Herb Pharm and Gaia Herbs offer organic liquid tinctures of passionflower.
We trust the following products based on their quality and our clinical experience:
Magnesium: Kirkman (Magnesium-Bisglycinate Chelate)
Glycine: Vital Nutrients (powder)
L-theanine: Integrative Therapeutics
Melatonin: Allergy Research Group (sustained release)
Valerian Root: Herb Pharm & Gaia Herbs
Passionflower: Herb Pharm & Gaia Herbs
We are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any of these brands. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners.
How Do I Use Sleep Supplements?

Can I take melatonin and these other sleep aids long-term? Our bodies naturally produce or consume many of these nutrients on a daily basis, including magnesium, glycine, and L-theanine. When consumed at normal levels, these natural sleep aids are generally safe. Passionflower and valerian root have mainly been studied in short-term settings (i.e. 2-8 weeks) but are also thought to be generally safe.
Because melatonin is a hormone, there have been more concerns about its long-term use, especially in children. At this time, there is not enough evidence to support the safety of long-term use in children without medical supervision.
Can I take more than one of these supplements for sleep? In studies and clinical care, patients sometimes need more than one supplement, especially if their sleep problems are more significant. However, using two sedating supplements together (ex., valerian root and melatonin) can lead to daytime sleepiness and grogginess.
What populations are these supplements safe for? While these sleep aids are generally safe, there are some groups that may be at higher risk for side-effects and should consult with a medical professional before starting any new supplements, including:
- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Infants and young children (unless otherwise noted)
- Those on prescription medications (for potential drug interactions)
- Those with chronic medical conditions
- Older people who may be more prone to side effects, especially to sedating supplements that could lead to dizziness and falls.
Bedroom Ideas for Better Sleep Hygiene

Sometimes, supplements aren’t enough. They might not even be the right solution if the source of your sleep problems is environmental. When thinking about creating a healthy bedroom, we like to consider five senses that affect our sleep:
- Light: Dim light triggers the release of melatonin, so too much light during nighttime can interfere with our sleep cycles.
- Sound: While most people know that quiet is essential for sleep, certain colors of background noise (i.e. pink noise) can also help us get better sleep quality.
- Temperature: Cooler ambient temperatures can help us get to and stay in deep sleep as our core body temperature decreases during the evening.
- Smell: While aromatherapy has a long history, researchers are now studying its effects on sleep quality.
- Touch: For some people, the sensation of deep pressure can calm the nervous system and body and help with getting better sleep quality.
We share more details about each of these factors and our favorite non-toxic products for the bedroom in our recent blog: Best Sleep Products for a Healthy Bedroom.
Finding the Right Solution for Better Sleep
As a psychiatrist, I know that a good night’s sleep is the best thing that I can prescribe. It’s one of the most important things for our mood, focus, and overall health. Finding the right solution to your sleep problems requires knowing what your options are and some trial and error. We hope that the information we’ve provided can help you on your journey to better sleep quality.
If your sleep issues persist over several months, it’s important to check in with your doctor for other potential health conditions that require evaluation and treatment, such as sleep apnea. Always work with a medical professional before initiating any new supplements or treatments and to check for potential drug interactions. We are not affiliates for any of the links to products or supplements on this page.