qEEG Brain Mapping:
Visualizing Your Brain
Conventional psychiatry often uses a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment, but recent neuroscience research reveals that even people with the same diagnosis can have different brain activity. That’s why our clinic uses advanced qEEG brain mapping techniques to investigate what may underlie your symptoms and to tailor treatments to your specific needs.
Brain mapping allows us to visualize your brain and individualize your treatment.
Different symptoms are associated with different brainwave patterns. For example, patients with depression often have slower-than-normal brainwave activity in the front of the brain, which is associated with problems in motivation, focus, and executive functioning.
Visualizing your brain allows us to target specific areas with treatment. For example, neuromodulation can be used to help boost brainwave activity in the front of the brain for patients with depression. Neurofeedback can also help retrain brainwaves for better functioning.
Our innovative neuromodulation techniques support your brain's natural healing ability by targeting areas identified in your qEEG brain map:
Brain mapping is a non-invasive procedure without any serious risks. During the session, no treatment is administrated. Rarely, patients may be sensitive to the electrode cap or paste being used.
Brain mapping sessions are between 60-90 minutes. During this time, patients will need to sit still for at least two assessments, which last 7-10 minutes.
Because coverage varies based on the insurance plan and condition treated, we recommend contacting your insurance company. Some insurances only cover EEG for epilepsy and cognitive decline assessments.